2006年8月29日 星期二

Sydney ~ day 1

(photos from http://darlingharbour.com.au/)


Sydney ~ day 1

( 11 August 2006 Fri ) Sunny 17C

Sydney Aquarium ~ Sydney Opera House ~ Darling Harbour ( by ferry ) ~
Fish market ( by Light Rail ) ~ I MAX Theatre ~ Casino

從 hostel 步行至 Central Rail Station 搭乘火車 到 雪梨水族館,小朋友最開心。

邊走邊照相。 " 幣 " SD卡又滿了。唉!唯有取消一些舊相片啦!

" SD " Full ! I have no choice, take photo from the partners.

Then, we went to the Pier to take a boat trip around the Darling Harbour. Woo, we can see Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House....

At Fish Market, we took a big meal. We took the sea food and brough a life lobstor. It was very very expensive AUD 350.00. In the market, we also tried the oysters.

市場內有新鮮即開殼的生蠔出售,我們選了一打小試。吃後,大家讚不絕口。 生蠔入口 時帶有一點濃濃海水的咸味,但食落D味道的確鮮甜無比。 不枉之行。

到 I MAX theatre 3 D 立體影院 看電影. 滿以像華納片場的 4D 立體影院, 唉...! 坐下不久, 大家辛苦走了大半天的路,加上套戲悶到想睡懶覺,[ 對不起 ],我真的竟然 zzzzzz . 近 完場才清醒過來! 看一看,原來我們的團員十之八九也 zzzzzzzz!!

晚上,到 China Town 晚餐! After the dinner, some of us went to the casino.

Tomorrow, we are going to the Power House Museum, Paddy's Market, the Sydney Tower and the National Maritime Museum.

Sydney ~ Big hostel

5 則留言:

  1. longbell: You can create your canon blog and share you photo with us.  

  2. 我想問,墨爾本同大堡礁同sydney近唔近架?? 因為我黎緊想去australia旅行 (自由行) any good recommendations?

  3. 唔近!  不過有內陸機,好方便! Sydney ~  大堡礁  or  Sydney ~ 墨爾本 (也有內陸機) .  (2-4 hours) 如果你懂駕車就更好,當地租車或者參加 local tour 相當方便。 在 Backpacker   front desk  has lots of the tour information.  You can take a look and plan your schedule at night.  墨爾本 今次沒有到 ( 有點可惜) !  等下次啦!

  4. 生蠔................俾你攪到流哂口水添!

  5. 隨緣 生蠔,一定要試, 好吃... 好吃...!!
