2006年8月18日 星期五

Gold Coast - day 2

Gold Coast - day 2

( 6 August 2006 Sunday ) Sunny & hot 24C

Gold Coast ~ Movie World ~ Surfers Pardise (Pacific Fair) ~ Jupiter Casino

Movie world - rollercoaster

Superman Escape Rollercoaster
呢款過山車沒有下面的那麼激,不過我都沒有玩,翔兒和表弟玩完就話 O. K. 年青人夠膽色...我想其實佢兩個係死鼎!!
( 後來翔兒自己說出來坐係上面都有 D 驚呀!)

Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster
We didn't know inside it is a coaster, because so many parents with their kids were in.

但 我就被他們騙了去玩了( Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster) 一個室內的過山車,都幾激,黑漆漆看不見,然之後倒後轉,我哋全程都大叫 " Help...Help..." 坐在後面兩個韓國 / 日本靚女就比我哋更緊張,點知?佢地係裏面有相機拍咗D照片,一落車係出口看番也覺剌激,不過下次就不會再玩,以免心臟病發,嚇死異鄉!

I don't want to ride on this rollercoaster ! Let you be....ready ??? Go..go..go...
夠激呀!老友記, 你敢玩這麼激的機動遊戲嗎?我哋全部人都唔敢試。留待你哋玩啦...

We took photos with the wonderwoman, cat girl, superman, badman...
I like supreman & badman! Smart and handsome....

神奇女俠、cat girl、superman、badman、羅賓 ....嘩!! 佢哋個樣和扮相真係好似套電影播!!
我喜歡 superman & badman 兩個都好高大兼有型靚仔架, 夠正義感,打低 D 壞人!

Furthermore, I had seen the Roxxy Theatre 4D Movie - Shrek 4D Adventure- PG, very good!
Police Academy Stunt Show, made you laughting and exciting - an explosion...., all Star Prade Presented by Streest Ice Cream.... It made me a bit disapointed when compareing with one in Japan's Dxx!!

4D 立體影院,好有 feel,史力加 Jack & Fionna 的愛情故事,動感十足,真係 very good!
學警出更 show ,一個人在開場前利用現場觀眾來攪笑,難得個個都唔嬲,而且更是樂在其中,好嘢..
正場的爆炸場面好精彩!! 至於巡遊,就沒有日本廸 xx 的那樣大型和精彩!!! ( 只是我的感覺 )

Surfers Pardise Beaches

At about 5:00 pm, we left the movie world and went back to Surfers Pardise again with the 2nd team's family at the Pacific Fair. This shopping centre closed at 5:oo pm and so as yesterday. No shopping!! We are dinning in our accomodation with a big meal by ourselives. After dinner, we went to the Jupiter Casino for seightseeing - No gambling! Please...

Pacific Fair 星期六、日都提早收工  5:30 ~ 6:00 pm. 不能 shopping,唯有早 D 返去煑大餐食!! 我哋有龍虾、牛扒、pizza、燒鷄、意粉、魚柳、雞亦、麵包、士多啤利....成枱都係,終於十幾人都吃不消。留下明天燒烤晚餐。

Tomorrow we are going to Pardise Country, Harbour town and seeing the Glow-worms . (藍色土螢火蟲)

Gold Coast - King Tide

4 則留言:

  1. ...............我又要去華納片場,同 Dor Dor 度下期先

  2. 去華納片場之後,記得話我知那掉腳過山車點!

  3. 其實我在日本也玩過這樣的過山車,也沒有甚麼,反而站立玩的那一個令自己脚震!

  4. 嘩.....好厲害 !!多年前 我玩海洋公園的玩完想嘔和面都青哂,可以以後見到過山車便驚 !
