2006年8月21日 星期一

Long driving day - 11 hours or more...

(Photos form www.rta.nsw.gov.au)

Long driving day - 11 hours or more...

(8 August 2006 Tue ) Sunny 24C

Gold coast ~ Coffs Harbour ~ Port Stephens ~ Halifax Holiday Park

In the morning, we drove down from Gold Coast to Coffs Harbour rely on the GPS. After 4 Hours, we arrived our rest point ~ Coffs Harbour ~ The Big Banana. We were hungry and take our lunch there. A burger 1s AUD $6.95. A set of lunch meal ( Chicken / beef + chips + sald = AUD$13.00).

早 上九時,三輪車浩浩蕩蕩從 Gold Coast 向 Coffs Harbour 出發,一直依靠衛星導航, 110 -120km/hr. 沿路只小休息一次,讓駕車的三位手足停一下子。 約一時半抵達預定的大休地方 - The Big Banana, 那裏用午餐。 嘩...! D 食物都幾貴。 一個 burger AUD $6.95,而一份餐 ~ 雞肉 / 牛肉 + 沙拉 + 薯條 = AUD$13.00 澳元. mun....好貴呀!

重有一提,澳洲今年的香蕉很貴...AUD$12.95~14.00/kg, 我在 Perth 唔 知咁貴, 買咗 2 只, 看一看價錢要 AUD$2.95, 一邊吃一邊肉痛。 後來問人先知原來早排天雨, D 香蕉失收,物以稀為貴,世界通行!

After our lunch, they decided to drive some more time down to Port Stephens. During the way the highest speed was at 130-140 km / hr. We had been sat in our cars for 4 hours more. We were still on the Pacfic High Way. " How Long does it take?? We are hungry. " The kids asked. It was nearly dark, we take a rest in a convenience shop and asked the guide how long does it take to Port Stephens. Our answer is about 1 hour more. It become darker...darker and darker...

約二時 多决定於晚上到 Port Stephens,預算再用約 4 小時會到。沿途趣事和驚險事也不少,而且車速一點也不慢 ( 超速 ) 。最高時速130-140 km / hr。三架車前後緊貼跟著沿高速公路行,早前都跟足指示安全車速110 km / hr. 但我們旁邊的車架架都過我地頭,終於愈行愈快. 因為 D 小朋友開始嚷著肚餓! 最驚險有兩次, 一次在轉灣位時,對面線架貨櫃車迎來,坐在車裡也感到它的風馳電掣。大家拿著對講機起了一陣子的嘩然!! " 大貨櫃車做乜開咁快?" 第二次係架灰狗大巴士,可想其速度之快。

衛星導航顯示們偏離航道,看見路牌指示轉灣 ,但前面大直路一条,唔理,照行。 GPS, PDA 顯示這不是路,是海、山。有点擔心唔知去咗邊!行了約二十分鐘,衛星導航顯示我們重入正軌。約七時三十分,終於安全到達 - Halifax Holiday Park , 這裏設備齊全。到town centre 超市買東西 BBQ。 我地煲佐煲什菜湯 - 沒有肉好清甜,大家都搶住喝,手快喝多杯,手慢 sorry!!

Port Stephens - Quarterdesk Villa

p.s. 我們估計 因個 map 係二年前,而 條路好新,該是把部份的路段拉直、擴建、加橋等....

