28 JULY 2011 Sunny
Hello, my friend
I am in Lviv, a city with an very old town. We were foced to stay one more day in Lviv because of no train to Kive on 27 JULY 2011. We are going to Kive tonight by night train. It was a bit difficult to speak to the people as they don't know English. We met two young guide in the train station who helped us to buy the train ticket o Kive.
Ukrane likes an old woman. (like in China) but I met someone who was very kind to me. My teammate also very kind and helpful to me becasue of my broken leg. (thank you)
Yesterday, we had been to History of stone. A very nice place for the death people and we take some nice pictures .
Will update the states when I back to Hong Kong.
See you all in Hong Kong in Auguest.
JL at Lviv 9:45 am 28 July 2011
言語不通, 確實是有困難, 幸好有貴人, 願妳有難忘的旅程.
回覆刪除Enjoy your trip and waiting for your sharing.
回覆刪除longbell: 知妳腳亦無問題,一切安好! 旅途愉快順利,遲啲等妳返嚟再講,這一個月變化真大!! Diy