2010年8月17日 星期二

Greeting from Falun (4)

Greeting from Falun (4)


Dear all

The smoky in Mowcow did not affect me as I had gone for a week.

Thank you for all!!  I am o.k. and everything is doing fine.  Thank you!!

Falun is a small and old  city. Very less people were found when I was there on sunday.  First time I felt alone here.

Met a couple 2 days ago in the hostel and the hunsband said that he thought that the town was death!!!  I was totally agreed for this issue. Please image that you could count by numbers how many person had been walk on the street  in day time and most of the shops were not open.

The day after tomorrow I am going to Moscow from Stockholm and flt to  Hong Kong.

17 AUG 2010 Falun

4 則留言:

  1.  等你的POST啦
    [版主回覆08/22/2010 01:41:00]THANK YOU!!  我今次的相片拍不好呀!!

  2. 我在遠處, 會默默為妳祝福的, 玩得開心d啦!
    [版主回覆08/22/2010 01:39:00]THANKS!!  今個夏天和哥C奶到那處遊玩???

  3. 玩得開心呀, 期待你最新的post!!
    [版主回覆08/22/2010 01:37:00]THANK YOU!! 

  4. 期待看你的旅行記趣
    [版主回覆08/22/2010 01:36:00]THANK YOU!!  可能有排等!!
