greeting from Moscow (2)
VERY VERY hot in Moscow!!!
FROM 21 up to date,
EVEVY DAY 30-37 C!!!
Needed to drink a lot of water.
Moscow is very nice country and it is worthly to travel around.
I am going to St. Perterbury this afternoon by flt.
See you all my friend in AUG.
JL @Moscow 0735AM
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2010 02:37:00]THANKS!!
哈哈. . . . 天晴多靚相啊
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2010 02:44:00]haha, I do hope so!! but I am not a good guide for this issue!!
妳輕輕的走了, 同樣是那一句, 妳要盡興而返呀.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2010 02:42:00]Thank you.
[版主回覆08/22/2010 02:41:00]thanks!!
waiting for your travelogue
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/22/2010 02:40:00]haha...... I am a lazy cat!! anyway, try my best to write something.
welcome home! how's the trip? I think it should be wounderful la...... waiting your photo & travel notes.